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Internet & spyder gate

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3 ответов в этой теме

#1 vnto



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Отправлено 06 Март 2019 - 22:50

I use drweb with ubuntu 18.04.
The problem is that spyder gate blocks the network card. I have to disable spyder gate to get internet.
How to do this?
Thank you in advance. 

#2 Igorn


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Отправлено 07 Март 2019 - 08:12

Please describe the problem in more detail and specify the product version

#3 vnto



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Отправлено 17 Март 2019 - 19:35

Product version: drweb for linux. version: 11.1.0-1902121854

When spidergate is enabled, my network card is disabled.
I have to disable Spidergate for the network card icon to be ok (and internet with it).

#4 Igorn


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Отправлено 18 Март 2019 - 10:13

I recommend you to contact our technical support

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