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dr web net filtering service hiding actual internet consuming

netfiltering internet consuming

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#1 anas.abass



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Отправлено 04 Июль 2021 - 13:37


I am living in country that we don't have open internet speed and limit so I need to know -sometimes- what program consuming my internet limit but "dr web net filtering service" appears look like it consumes all network.

I need any "simple" way to disable this service temporarily if I noted there is high internet usage to know what program consuming my internet limit and stop it.


Thanks in advance.

#2 nabeel



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Отправлено 22 Сентябрь 2021 - 07:32

Hi Anas,

Dr Web's Net Filtering service (SpIDer Gate) does not slow down network trafic or affect broadband performance, it efficiently scans incoming and outgoing web traffic - this does not have an impact on internet speed. Are you using Torrents or Windows Updates being downloaded? 

Dr. Web's components have very less or no impact on broadband speed.

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