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#1 cuculetea



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Отправлено 20 Июль 2012 - 15:14

Hello guys,

I just installed the server and activate alerts on email. Is driving me crazy, i receive on 4 h with drweb on 10 station about 300 emails. Anyway drweb wasent my choice so no more comment about this.

I realy don`t care to see status of any file (with error or infection..) i want to see the statistics with detail.

If i go on network menu and select a group and then press on statistics i can export to html. About that file i can get it every day on email?! Have to make a template??!

Any one else want this?

P.S. first time when i heared about drweb(2 months ago) i say "i don`t even know who they are". Now after i try to work with them i say "i don`t want to hear anymore about drweb".
I refuse to make a tichet to ask them because they don`t answer to me, they send me back to the guy from where i buy it(this is bullshit). And btw, documentation is not to much. I don`t want to offence anyone just i was have a need to tell this to some one:) Thx for reading:)

I hope to get help from community (my last chance:( )

Thanks in advance,

#2 userr



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Отправлено 20 Июль 2012 - 15:35


I refuse to make a tichet to ask them because they don`t answer to me, they send me back to the guy from where i buy it

You tried to apply to Support there https://support.drweb.com/support_wizard/?lng=en and failed? It's quite strange. Give us more details, please.

#3 cuculetea



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Отправлено 20 Июль 2012 - 17:08

I don`t say is failed. I say i don`t want to make a ticket to them because they will not answer to me. Even now i have a problem and still i don`t communicate with guys from drweb(because they don`t even get the effort to tell me with who to talk, i don`t even know why i shoul make tichet here, because i get just email with close it. I talk with the guy who sell this to me. Is like phone without wire(if you know what i mean).
All i want is just to get a email with html statistic on last week

#4 userr



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Отправлено 20 Июль 2012 - 17:19

I say i don`t want to make a ticket to them because they will not answer to me.

Excuse me? If you did not make a request to Support, how do you know they will not reply? I assure you they will. Just make a request.

(because they don`t even get the effort to tell me with who to talk, i don`t even know why i shoul make tichet here, because i get just email with close it.

Sorry, i dont understand. What email have you got, from whom?

#5 cuculetea



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Отправлено 21 Июль 2012 - 12:16

Really, you can help me with my problem from this topic or not?! I know i make soem accusation, but if you really want all the details you can email to me. I don`t think will be a really god ideea to post here all the detals. And belive me, if you put me to write here, and try to remember all the history with this i will start to talk very ugly.i get to angry.

#6 maxic


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Отправлено 21 Июль 2012 - 14:24

cuculetea, don't get excited. You can set only those items that you wanna recieve mail. See screenshot (for example).
Прикрепленный файл  es_settings.PNG   83,38К   6 Скачано раз

#7 maxic


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Отправлено 21 Июль 2012 - 14:38

In ES6 there's no statistics by email. It seems will be in 7.0.

#8 cuculetea



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Отправлено 21 Июль 2012 - 16:29

Let`s hope will be. Try to enable email alert when you put this antivirus on a network with 100 pc with win xp/7. On each pc the windows is like 2-3 year old. Also the users who use pc`s are users who click yes on any question that receive from internet. Try to imagine that:). First method i use it is to install this and get raport. If a pc have to many then format and clean all data:)

On my opinion is a lose of time to try to desinfect a pc with 10 different virusses oor trojain or somethign else:)

And also a report is good to justify for what you want money to pay antivirus:) Get the report on boss email and let him read:)

By the way, can you post here how you use it?! I mean the guys who have enterprise version. For me for example i block usb and don`t put firewall. Because i can`t understande who to make a rule on firewall. What i mean is to make a rule for firewall from drweb enterprise server, not from each agent. I also put him to scan all file and for all the file that have a even a risk of infection to put them in quarantine or delete file.

How easy was for you to install this?! because for me if i use,drweb web interface, network instalation, never work(i mean after install is ok i don`t see them on unpproved licens) and i don`t know how to manualy put in database. I go on windows share(\\ip\drweb$) and lunch exe file. after installation i use
drwagntd -save <new_server_ip>....
and many more:)

#9 maxic


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Отправлено 21 Июль 2012 - 16:51

cuculetea, a properly configured enterprise anti-virus did not ask the user for. I did not put the firewall on the users comp. If you have a large network, it is likely that you have a domain, you can use agent for active directory ftp://ftp.drweb.com/pub/drweb/esuite/drweb-esuite-agent-603-201111300-activedirectory.msi.

I go on windows share(\\ip\drweb$) and lunch exe file. after installation i use
drwagntd -save <new_server_ip>


#10 cuculetea



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Отправлено 23 Июль 2012 - 10:00

I have a domain but not use it. I mean i have a server with windows 2008 r2 but not use it for this.
This command "drwagntd -save <new_server_ip>" i use it because after install agent on a computer i don`t see it on "Unapproved stations". If i use this method i see is success 100%. Another method to add to db i don`t know. To try to use network installation from enterprise i get a random see of station on "Unapproved stations".

I don`t know if is rong or not:D


#11 maxic


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Отправлено 23 Июль 2012 - 10:20

Approval is requested for the station before the agent installs on comp.

#12 cuculetea



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Отправлено 23 Июль 2012 - 23:15

Approval is requested for the station before the agent installs on comp.

HOW?because this never happend to me. I always see in the approval list after i install the agent

Сообщение было изменено cuculetea: 23 Июль 2012 - 23:16

#13 maxic


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Отправлено 24 Июль 2012 - 10:29

You start drwinst which install basic components (if ES server is found). Before install av components you must approve station on ES server. If drwinst doesn't see ES server then basic components doesn't install. If basic component install then approval is requested.

#14 cuculetea



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Отправлено 24 Июль 2012 - 11:08

You start drwinst which install basic components (if ES server is found). Before install av components you must approve station on ES server. If drwinst doesn't see ES server then basic components doesn't install. If basic component install then approval is requested.

Agree. After i install basic components i must approve. But some times(this mean like 80%) after i install basic components(this mean the server is found) i don`t see the station on approvel list

#15 maxic


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Отправлено 24 Июль 2012 - 11:13

cuculetea, you can contact the support on this issue. https://support.drweb.com/support_wizard/?lng=en

#16 cuculetea



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Отправлено 25 Июль 2012 - 10:23

cuculetea, you can contact the support on this issue. https://support.drweb.com/support_wizard/?lng=en

I belive you don`t read all i write here :rolleyes:

#17 maxic


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Отправлено 25 Июль 2012 - 11:19

Describe the problem of non-receipt of confirmation from the stations on the server. Attach a detailed log of the server.

#18 userr



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Отправлено 25 Июль 2012 - 12:32

cuculetea, you can contact the support on this issue. https://support.drweb.com/support_wizard/?lng=en

I belive you don`t read all i write here :rolleyes:

Ok, let me put it in plain words. People who do want their problems to be solved are very welcome to Support. Response from the Support service is guaranteed.
People who do not want make a request to Support... well, they have no problems.

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