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Internal Server Error


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5 ответов в этой теме

#1 lioncub



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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2019 - 19:37

После обновления не заходит по web:

Internal Server Error

The error '500 Internal Server Error' occurred while processing request you had sent.

We're sorry. The internal server error has occurred processing request you had sent.


Dr.Web Server



Лог после загрузки сервиса:

20190427.211351.89 inf [01158 01158] main   [Logger] Logfile was opened by Dr.Web Server Version REL-1102_201901120 Build (Linux 4.4.0-146-generic x86_64; Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS; glibc 2.23)
20190427.211351.89 inf [01158 01158] main   [Logger] Keep 10 old compressed files based on 10MB size limit
20190427.211351.90 inf [01161 01163] svc:1  [Process] Using malloc library V5.1.0-0-g0
20190427.211351.90 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Log controller:// level is * (12 cached, 0 messagess)
20190427.211351.90 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Log file:///var/opt/drwcs/log/drwcsd.log:f=10:c=y:s=10m level is all:INFO (12 cached, 1 messages)
20190427.211351.90 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Dr.Web Server Version (REL-1102_201901120, Linux/x86_64) is rising as Enterprise server
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Running at "drweb" computer under "Linux 4.4.0-146-generic x86_64; Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS; glibc 2.23" operating system
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] CPU features are "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm dca sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt"
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] GNU libc is 2.23 (stable)
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Linux kernel is Linux version 4.4.0-146-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-025) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10) ) #172-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 3 09:00:08 UTC 2019
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Running under "drwcs:drwcs" account
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Minimum stack size is 8192KB
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] System uptime is 00:11:49
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Now there are 114 processes, load average: 0,07 0,02 0,00
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Low memory: 1991MB total, 1425MB available, 3MB shared, 19MB buffers
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Runtime] Swap: 2398MB total, 2398MB available
20190427.211351.92 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Using command line: /opt/drwcs/bin/drwcsd -home=/opt/drwcs -var-root=/var/opt/drwcs -etc=/var/opt/drwcs/etc -rotate=10,10m -verbosity=info -log=/var/opt/drwcs/log/drwcsd.log -conf=/var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf -pid=/var/opt/drwcs/run/drwcs.pid -user=drwcs -group=drwcs -daemon
20190427.211351.97 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Module "MSNAPSHV" (Microsoft NAP Health Validator Protocol Module) is disabled, unloading
20190427.211351.97 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Module "PROXY" (Proxy Management Protocol Module) is disabled, unloading
20190427.211351.97 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Module "SERVER" (Inter Server Protocol Module) is disabled, unloading
20190427.211351.97 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Module "FrontDoor" (Dr.Web Server FrontDoor Plugin) is disabled, unloading
20190427.211351.98 ntc [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Module "Yandex.Locator" (Dr.Web Server Yandex.Locator Plugin) is disabled, unloading
20190427.211351.99 inf [01161 01163] svc:1  [Server] Dr.Web Server Version (REL-1102_201901120, Linux/x86_64) has risen
20190427.211352.00 inf [01161 01173] wrk:4  [SqLite3/WAL] Database is 27'123'712 bytes (/data/var_opt/drwcs/database.sqlite)

Лог после попытки входа:

20190427.211507.55 wrn [01161 01196] wwr:4  [SqLite3/2] Destroying instance "core/extensions/database/databaseWrapper.ds:20" in transaction state, rolling back
20190427.211507.69 ERR [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] Access to "/var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf" denied for <line ? field C-function "fs_attrib">
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] Script execution error "access to path "/var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf" denied for <line ? field C-function "fs_attrib">" has been detected
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 01. At line ? field C-function "fs_attrib"
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 02. From line ? field Lua-function "config_changed" [=?:2099:2144]
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 03. From line ? field Lua-function "gen_messages" [=?:2550:2737]
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 04. From line ? field Lua-function "gen_main_menu" [=?:513:588]
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 05. From line ? global Lua-function "genHead" [=?:639:686]
20190427.211507.69 wrn [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] 06. From line #777 Lua-function 0x7f41ad75d680 [=webmin/esuite/network/index.ds:698:783]
20190427.211507.69 ERR [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] Return: total 2 error records
20190427.211507.69 ERR [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] Return:   Runtime error during execution "/data/opt/drwcs/webmin/esuite/network/index.ds"
20190427.211507.69 ERR [01161 01195] wwr:3  [Lua/VM] Return:   access to path "/var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf" denied for <line ? field C-function "fs_attrib">
20190427.211507.69 ERR [01161 01195] wwr:3  [WEBMIN] OK, GET/500, 452/422, 00.117/00.116 00.000/00.000; 49:147 SQL, 612/1 rows; https://drweb.dkb74.loc:9081/esuite/network/index.ds HTTP/2

Доступ к drwcsd.conf есть:

# ls -l /var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf
-rw-r----- 1 drwcs drwcs 4925 апр 27 20:38 /var/opt/drwcs/etc/drwcsd.conf

Что за баг? Или обновлятся не следует у drweb?


#2 maxic


    Keep yourself alive

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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2019 - 22:36

После обновления не заходит по web:

Какого обновления-то? Я вот не вижу в новостях никаких обновлений. А на текущий релиз давно обновился на разных серверах - и без проблем.

Частный случай?

#3 maxic


    Keep yourself alive

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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2019 - 22:37

Я бы базу проверил. Открыл. Vacuum. Нехитрые действия, но могут помочь.

#4 lioncub



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Отправлено 28 Апрель 2019 - 10:36


SQLite version 3.26.0 2018-12-01 12:34:55
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> vacuum;
sqlite> .exit

vacuum делал.

#5 Afalin



  • Dr.Web Staff
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Отправлено 29 Апрель 2019 - 08:35

drwcsd.conf и webmin.conf покажите, посмотреть на Ваши кастомные пути.

Сообщение было изменено Afalin: 29 Апрель 2019 - 08:37

Семь раз отрежь – один раз проверь

#6 lioncub



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Отправлено 30 Апрель 2019 - 22:00

/var/opt был симлинком на другую директорию.
Обещали исправить такое поведение на 12 версии.

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