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Dr.Web Enterprise Suite has been updated to 4.44.1

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#1 News Robot

News Robot

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Отправлено 21 Февраль 2008 - 10:25

February 20, 2007

The following changes have been done to the new version:
Server errors when using an external database (MS SQL, Oracle) have been fixed; Incorrect displaying of statistics/workstation configurations in the console has been fixed; Displaying online/offline agents’ status in the console has been corrected; Issues that arose after updating of 4.33 version of the product have been fixed; ES-agent and server interaction issue has been fixed. Installation of Dr.Web Enterprise Suite 4.44.1

If you are using Dr.Web Enterprise Suite 4.44: uninstall the ES-server; all your databases,
licence and encryption key files will remain intact; If you are a using Dr.Web Enterprise Suite 4.33 or 4.33.1: follow instrctions in section 8.1
of the Administrator manual.


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