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Перестал корректно работать Dr.Web Enterprise Suite

Dr.Web Enterprise Suite

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26 ответов в этой теме

#21 maxic


    Keep yourself alive

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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:08

Glebych, это лог? :D

Лог из каталога сервера, drwcsd.log.

#22 Glebych



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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:21

20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname Running at "FSERVER1" computer under "Windows Server 2003 Standard x86 (Build 3790), Service Pack 2" operating

20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname Running under "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" account
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] System uptime is 00:00:59
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Now there are 21 processes and 295 threads using 3456 handles
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Commited memory: 84MB total, 87MB maximum
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Physical memory: 4055MB total, 3765MB available, 120MB cache, 7% in use
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Kernel memory: 56MB total, 15MB paged, 41MB non-paged
20140205.131003.23 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname Using command line: "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\bin\drwcsd.exe" -verbosity=INFO -rotate=10,10 -daemon
20140205.131003.28 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname There are 9 warnings during config parsing
20140205.131003.89 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname Protocol "SERVER" is disabled, unloading...
20140205.131133.85 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\10-drwbases: loaded, revision

'2014/02/03 11:40:47.000' (1391427647)
20140205.131136.16 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\10-drwupgrade: loaded, revision

'2013/08/14 12:01:56.000' (1376481716)
20140205.131352.24 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwagntd: loaded, revision

'2014/02/03 11:08:07.000' (1391425687)
20140205.131352.43 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwcs: loaded, revision '2011/04/11

21:11:32.000' (1302556292)
20140205.131450.32 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwunix: loaded, revision

'2014/02/03 11:07:53.000' (1391425673)
20140205.131450.38 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwwince: loaded, revision

'2014/02/03 09:52:29.000' (1391421149)
20140205.131451.51 inf [ 1432 5c0] noname Dr.Web ® Enterprise Server REL-600 Build (WinNT 6.0/PPro) has risen
20140205.131451.51 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [IntDB] DB engine version 2.8.17
20140205.131451.77 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Logger] Last message repeated 2 times
20140205.131452.62 ERR [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] Unsuccessful BEGIN transaction because of unable to open database file, 00.000 wait
20140205.131452.62 ERR [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] SQL failed because of unable to open database file
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] SQL statement was "SELECT count(*) FROM stations"
20140205.131452.62 ERR [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] Unsuccessful BEGIN transaction because of cannot start a transaction within a transaction, 00.000 wait
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] System uptime is 00:05:48
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Now there are 56 processes and 839 threads using 14825 handles
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Commited memory: 739MB total, 747MB maximum
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Physical memory: 4055MB total, 3250MB available, 892MB cache, 19% in use
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Windows] Kernel memory: 84MB total, 35MB paged, 49MB non-paged
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [ClientsHeap] 0 used from 122 allowed, 0 free from 0 allocated (0 destroyed)
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] There are 30 running threads
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: main#001432/0000059c main, lwp#001432/000005b0 log, thr#001432/00000150 srv:0
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000554 cln:0, thr#001432/00000c08 cln:1, thr#001432/000001c8 cln:2
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000210 cln:3, thr#001432/000005d4 kth:0, thr#001432/000005d8 kth:1
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/000005dc pth:2, thr#001432/000005e0 pth:3, thr#001432/000005e4 pth:4
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/000005e8 pth:5, thr#001432/000005ec pth:6, thr#001432/00000d38 mth:0
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000ce8 mth:1, thr#001432/00000cc8 mth:2, thr#001432/00000cd8 mth:3
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000d18 mth:4, thr#001432/00000ca8 tmr:0, thr#001432/00000308 srv:1
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000710 cln:4, thr#001432/000001c0 cln:5, thr#001432/00000694 cln:6
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/000001cc cln:7, thr#001432/000006b4 pth:7, thr#001432/0000058c mth:5
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001432/00000544 mth:6, thr#001432/0000080c tmr:1, thr#001432/00000c4c dbv:0
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Elapsed time 04:49.389
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] CPU usage is 1% (00:00:02.390 user, 00:00:00.609 system)
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] 0 threads, 0 context switches
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] 78628KB virtual size, 13620KB resident, 123238 page faults
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] 324 bytes read, 97 written
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] File cache hits: 167, calls: 224, vsize: 0B, rsize: 0B, mvsize: 133K, mrsize: 92K, saved: 0%, msaved: 100%
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Cache/S] Usage: hint: 0, missed: 0, invalid: 0, errors: 0
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Cache/S] Memory: maximum: 0B, requested: 0B, saved: 0B (0%)
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Total 0 NAP requests, 0 OK
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [WebStat] Total 0 records, 0 requests OK, 0 failed, 0 bytes received, 0 bytes sent
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Update] Total 0 HTTP requests OK, 0 failed; 0 bytes recieved, 0 bytes sent
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Update] 0 files added, 0 files replaced, 0 files deleted
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Total 0/154 bytes recieved/sent (100% of 0/154)
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] Total 0 I/O ports used, 0 maximum
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] There are 0 clients, 0 maximum, 0 total, 22 allowed
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Stat] There are 0 agents, 0 newbies,  0 installs, 0 servers connected
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Now there are 5 layers running
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Now there are 4 opened network sockets
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Sleep time 00:00:03.519 and work time 00:00:00.000 (0%)
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Total 2 server, 0 client, 2 dg-server sockets created
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Total 0 reads, 0 end-of-stream
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Total 2 writes, 0 delayed
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Total 2 accepted, 2 closed sockets
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20140205.131452.62 ntc [ 1432 5c0] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Now there are 4 opened network sockets

#23 pig



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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:31

Заархивировать и вложить файлом.
В процитированном ошибок не видно. Вроде как завелось.
Почтовый сервер Eserv тоже работает с Dr.Web

#24 Glebych



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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:33

а это разве не ошибки?

20140205.131452.62 ERR [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] Unsuccessful BEGIN transaction because of unable to open database file, 00.000 wait
20140205.131452.62 ERR [ 1432 5c0] noname [DB] SQL failed because of unable to open database file

#25 Glebych



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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:45

Вот кусок побольше

Прикрепленные файлы:

  • Прикрепленный файл  Log.zip   6,75К   2 Скачано раз

#26 Kirill Polubelov

Kirill Polubelov

    Hr. Schreibikus

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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:55

Glebych, у вас установлен ЕС-агент на том же ПК, где и ЕС-сервер? Необходимо, временно, отключить у агента самозащиту,  гейт, гвард и обновить репозиторий сервера, придут обновки и все должно заработать.

Сообщение было изменено Kirill Polubelov: 05 Февраль 2014 - 15:55

(exit 0)

#27 Glebych



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Отправлено 05 Февраль 2014 - 17:13

спасибо, отключение агента помогло обновить репозиторий

"C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\bin\drwcsd.exe" -home="C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server" syncrepository

а потом с пятой попытки и сервер стартанул

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